Saturday, January 30, 2010

the government doesnt make our money, fractional reserve banking and undisclosure of the federal reserve allows the banks of the federal reserve and banks to create money. during the industrial revolution, the currency of america was the greenbacks, a fiat money system controlled by the people through democracy, when democracy was more trustworthy due to a lack of outside interest via the lack of a monetary system controlled by outside interest. unlike gold and silver, and a fiat money system controlled by random fucks, a currency directly controlled by the government, with a government controlled by the people, could not be easily manipulated and would allow the economy to grow as it did during the industrial revolution without the rug being swept from under its foundation via interest rates and an income tax.

btw, you dont have to pay "your" income tax, amendment 16 was never ratified and cannot be shown as a law. it is a choice to pay. and it is a choice to allow irs to take your shit. i encourage everybody to not file an income tax return this year, then who is the irs gonna fuck with? everybody?

how do you create a monetary system controlled by the people? simply put, the government can begin to create or print our own currency, and allow bunk ass federal reserve notes to be exchanged for it at a fixed rate, that way people will not be losing any money, and then as the fake money that the federal reserve makes comes back in, we can pay off the bunk ass federal reserve debt just as easily as they created it, by printing money, only this time there will be not debt created via the lack of borrowing the money and there will be no inflation, for one, because it is a different currency , and two, for any money coming out, a fixed amount of federal reserve notes will be going back in. that is simply put, there are many other things that have to be worked around such as the interest on the federal reserve notes that doesnt exist because it exceeds the whole of the money supply and the fact that the federal reserve notes are held across the world as a reserve note allowing other countries to debase their currency against ours without a say from us allowing them to make all of their exports cheaper than ours. and also the fact that there is a lack of trust in the government, which is why i suggest that every state be in control of their own financial affairs and currency, that way the government be held more accountable for its actions, also suggesting that each state have its own congress for affairs pertaining to the state, and also that elections for us congress be cut down into elections for candidates in smaller than district zones, and then an election out of two candidates neither of which have to pertain to any certain party, eliminating the republican/democrat bullshit in which both sides can be used for certain things to play out a certain agenda of an outside interest, instead it will be right and wrong, and then the representatives and the people who elect them will be forced to think instead of going along with the party they belong to. peoples greatest mistake is forfeiting their right to make choices for themselves out of ignorance, often because there is so much misinformation to sort through. this world is not as complicated as it seems once you sift through the hedge maze of crap.

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